Why is it Bad to Sleep with the Light on?

Why is it Bad to Sleep with the Light on?

4.9 min read

That’s a well-known fact that good sleep is essential for our well-being. However, many of us unknowingly engage in habits that may disrupt our precious sleep time, impacting our physical and mental health. One such common habit is sleeping with the light on. Whether it's the glow of electronic devices, streetlights seeping through curtains, or nightlights in the room, artificial light during sleep can have adverse effects on our sleep quality. In this article, we’ll investigate the reasons why it's bad to sleep with the light on, exploring the impact from different perspectives.

Sleeping with the light


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Circadian Rhythm Disturbance

Our bodies are finely tuned to a natural biological clock known as the circadian rhythm. This internal clock regulates our sleep-wake cycles, signaling our body when it's time to rest and when it's time to be alert. Exposure to artificial light during sleep, particularly blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones and computers, can confuse our circadian rhythm. Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. As a result, exposure to artificial light at night can make it harder to fall asleep, break our natural sleep patterns, and eventually lead to sleep disorders.

Exposure to artificial light at night can make it harder to fall asleep


Impaired Sleep Quality

Sleeping with the light on can worsen the overall sleep quality. Even if we manage to fall asleep, the presence of light can lead to lighter and more fragmented sleep, reducing our time spent in deep and restorative sleep stages. This can leave us feeling groggy and fatigued the next day, affecting our cognitive function, mood, and productivity. Additionally, light disruptions during REM sleep (the phase when we dream) can hinder the brain's ability to process emotions and consolidate memories, deteriorating our emotional state and memory retention.

Feeling groggy and fatigued


Increased Risk of Health Issues

Research states that consistently sleeping with the light on has been associated with an increased risk of various health issues. Studies have linked sleeping with light to a higher risk of obesity, as disrupted sleep patterns can lead to hormonal imbalances and increased appetite. Additionally, exposure to artificial light at night has been linked to an increased risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even certain types of cancer.

Impact on Mental Health

As we’ve already mentioned above, sleep and mental health are deeply interconnected, and the impact of sleeping with the light on extends to our emotional well-being. Sleep disturbances caused by light can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. Additionally, inadequate sleep can aggravate pre-existing mental health conditions and lead to a negative spiral of poor sleep and mental health problems.

Effect on Children and Infants

Sleeping with the light on can be particularly detrimental to children and infants. Their developing circadian rhythms are more sensitive to disruptions, and exposure to light during sleep can cause difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep. Sleep disturbances in children can also affect their cognitive development, behavior, and overall growth.

Sleep disturbances in children


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Why Is Sleeping with the TV On the Same Harmful?

Sleeping with the TV on deserves special attention because it isn’t uncommon for many people. Whereas it can be considered an innocent and even relaxing habit, it does have several negative effects on our sleep quality and overall health. Here are some reasons why it's bad to sleep with the TV on:

Sleeping with the TV


  • Disruption of Sleep Patterns: The light emitted by the TV screen, especially if it's bright or has blue light, can interfere with our body's production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to this artificial light during sleep can disrupt our natural sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  • Reduced Duration of Sleep: Having the TV on during sleep can lead to increased awakenings during the night, even if we don't fully wake up. These interruptions can reduce the overall duration of our sleep, leading to sleep deprivation over time. 
  • Poor Sleep Quality: The noise and changing images on the TV can also impact our sleep, causing us to wake up more frequently or experience lighter sleep stages. As a result, our sleep quality can be compromised, leaving us feeling groggy and less rested in the morning.
  • Impact on Brain Activity: Watching stimulating or intense content on TV before bed can activate our brain and engage our emotions, making it difficult for our mind to unwind and relax before sleep. This heightened brain activity can delay the sleep start and lead to restless nights.
  • Association with Bedtime: When we make a habit of falling asleep in front of the TV, our brain may begin to associate the TV with sleep time and make it difficult to fall asleep without the TV on, making it challenging to develop healthy sleep habits.

Promoting a Sleep-Friendly Environment

To promote better sleep, it's vital to create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping the bedroom dark, quiet, and comfortable. Instead of relying on the TV for relaxation before bed, consider adopting soothing bedtime rituals, such as reading a book, meditating, or listening to calming music. By minimizing exposure to screens and artificial light before sleep, we can improve our sleep quality and overall well-being.

Relaxation before bed


To minimize the negative impact of light on sleep, consider the following tips:

  • Invest in blackout curtains or blinds to block out external light sources and create a dark sleep environment.
  • Remove electronic devices from the bedroom or use a blue light filter setting on screens during the evening to reduce blue light exposure.
  • Opt for dim, warm-colored lighting in the bedroom before bedtime to signal the body to wind down and prepare for sleep.
  • Use eye masks to block out any remaining light if necessary, especially for individuals who have difficulty creating a completely dark sleep environment.
  • Set a consistent sleep schedule to reinforce the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, promoting better sleep quality and regular circadian rhythms.
  • Avoid bright overhead lights during nighttime bathroom visits, using soft nightlights instead to minimize the amount of light.


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Sleeping with the light on may seem like a minor inconvenience, but its impact on our sleep quality and overall health cannot be underestimated. From disrupting our circadian rhythm and impairing sleep quality to increasing the risk of health issues and affecting mental well-being, artificial light during sleep can have far-reaching consequences. By understanding the importance of a dark and sleep-friendly environment and making conscious efforts to reduce light exposure at night, we can pave the way for restful and rejuvenating sleep which is vital to our overall well-being. Prioritizing a healthy sleep environment can lead to improved sleep quality, enhanced mood, better cognitive function, and ultimately a better quality of life.

Here at Progressive Bed, we are committed to offering you the next level of sleeping comfort – our adjustable beds and ergonomic mattresses are designed to deliver you the best sleep you deserve! Check out our beds and mattresses and reach out to us should you have any questions or need help choosing your best sleep products.


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Bedroom Lighting Ideas
March 21, 2023, 5.4 min read
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